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wages or their portions of the Crops most of those cases are settled by the A.S.A.C. and others refered to the Civil Courts there is plenty of employment to be had in this County for all who are desirous of working. I am Sorrow to have to inform you that there is a great deal of destitution prevailing amongst the Freedmen and poor Whites In this County especially in the Town of Danville many of the persons mentioned have hired Land for this year but they have not the means to Subsist themselfs until their Crops are made through this Cause they are bound to suffer the owners of the Land have not the means to assist them I would recommend that the Asst. Com. use his influence to procure assistance for this Class of persons there is very little crime committed by the Freedmen in this County Considering the destitution that prevails here the School House at Danville is well attended although the weather has been very inclement please See School Report the churches of the colored people are also well attended by large and respectable congregations and good order always prevails there is very little intemperance amongst them
I am most Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Andrew Mahoney 1st Lt 45 U.S. Inft.

Transcription Notes:
3.22.2024 - The writer does not end his sentences with periods. Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review