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supplied with food and clothing than they were one year ago and are forced to labor for such compensation as their unfeeling employer see fit to give.  By common agreement they will not sell or lease land to the Freedmen fearing, as expressed by a Freedmen are "that we should not be compelled to go to their Smoke Houses and Corn Crib and submit to their terms".  they will only employ them so far as forced to do by their own necessities.  By taking advantage of the Freedmens necessities they only offer such wages as will prevent starvation.  Their cruel and deliberate design towards themis to force them, by slow Starvation to leave this County and seek houses in the uncongenial North or in Liberia. The are quiet and peaceable under all their trials and industrious and reliable when employed.  They only ask for an opportunity and they will be ever a self supporting and prosperous class  of citizens, whose labor would add much to the wealth of the community.
Clothing  has been issued to the most destitute during the month of Feby to the following