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Bureau of R.F. and A. Lands
Office of Asst Sub Asst Comr
Leesburg Va Feb 29th 1868

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown.
Asst Comr Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Richmond, Va.

In compliance with Circular No 6 Series 1866, Bureau of R.F. & A L. Head Quarters, Asst Comr State of Virginia: I have the honor to report that, the Affairs of this Office, during the present month have been uninterrupted.

I can report no change in public opinion since my last report. Recent developments at Washington, for a time, caused some excitement and  apprehension [[strikethrough]] for a time [[/strikethrough]] but the usual quiet now prevails - all anxiously waiting future action.

In consequence of the great length and severity of the winter which has occasioned much greater expense in living, the Colored people are some what embarrassed in contributing for the means of Education as is necessary for support schools among them to the extent which their condition really requires. As a general thing they are industrious and steady at their work