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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 11th Sub-District Virginia
Farmville Va, February 29th, 1868

Brevet Brig. Gen'l O. Brown
Asst Comm. Dist. of Va.
Richmond Va.


In compliance with Circular No. 6 forom Head Quarters Asst. Comm. Va dated at Richmond Va January 29th, 1866, I have the honor to submit the following report for the month of February 1868.
For the matter of the condition of Freedmen's affairs in the Counties of Prince Edward and Charlotte, I am unable to furnish any new information.  The idleness i.e. on their part complained of is confined to that class who under any circumstances it is probable would linger about the large towns - their excuse now being that they are factory hands and as the factories are not in operation they (the Freedmen) cannot obtain employment.  I presume this is true to some extent, but I do not think it is as a general thing. The cause of the deplorable indolence observable in the race in all of the large towns in the state. I have sought to impress upon their minds. The absolute importance to them of their becoming a self-supporting population and that this can only be brought about through individual exertion and industry and especially that it is peculiarly their duty to themselves to take advantage of the opportunities placed within they reach and secure steady, honorable employment even if it did not pay as well as they desired.  I think, however, that influences are being brought to bear upon them by designing men which causes this stubbornness or disposition to hold off  - which practically induces the colored people to believe they can do better after awhile.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 00:18:00 Please double check for second opinion on abbreviation after "Idleness". Second letter appears to be e, hard to make out first letter.