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Bureau of R. F. and AL
Hd Qurs 2nd Div 2nd S. D. Va
Waverly Virg Feby 29th 1868

Brv't Brig. General O Brown
Asst Comr District of Va
Richmond Virginia

I have the honor to report that the state of feeling existing between the Whites and blacks in my Division remains very bitter with no prospect of improvement as the Whites will not try to establish a kindly feeing between themselves and the freedmen by treating them kindly and giving them praise when entitled to it, still they could do so and not destroy or compromise those (by them) often repeated words "Equality of the races" 

During the month I have been quite buissy writing and explaining contracts and assisting the freedmen in settling with their employers their past years labor.

Nearly all the freedmen in this Division have made contracts for this year and none have