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freedmen; in such cases the civil authorities are debarred from acting, even where they are disposed to do so, and I have been appealed to in some two or three different instances to afford relief by the exercise of my authority as Military Commissioner, but being uncertain what cause ought to be pursued, I have suspended action until the receipt of instructions from the Commanding General, for which I have applied. 

I am not aware of any destitution or suffering existing among freedman in this Sub-Division, the paupers are cared for by the civil authorities of the respective Counties and I have neither seen or heard of any vagrants.

There is I regret to say no improvement perceptible among the freedman in regard to intemperance which exists among them to a very considerable extent. 
The freedmen's schools at Burkeville and Meherrin Depot are still closed for want of stoves, the purchase of a stove for the Burkeville School House having been authorized, however, this difficulty as far as that School is concerned will doubtless soon be removed and I would most respectfully recommend that a similar provision be made for the School House at Meherrin Depot. 

The School at Wellville, Nottoway County, is now in active operation

Transcription Notes:
unable to read word in brackets. "intemperance"