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Clothing and shoes are much needed among them, especially among the women and children.

Most of last year's accounts are settled, altho' there are some cases where the tobacco crop has been shipped but not sold, where an adjustment cannot be obtained, until an acct. of sales has been rendered. Several cases of disputed Accts have been settled during the month without a resort to the Courts, and but few accounts remain unsettled were there is a fair prospect of collecting anything. 

So far as my observation extends there is very little intemperance among the colored people here. Since I have been stationed here I have never seen or heard of more than one case of intoxication among them. The want of means to indulge in the use of intoxicating liquors may be one cause of this. 

There is no temperance organization among the freedmen, or whites either, so far as I know. 

It may be found advisable to attempt something toward an organized movement when the weather becomes suitable for out-of-doors meetings.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servt
E. C. Morse A.S.A. Comr

Brevet Brig. Gent O. Brown 
Assist. Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 14:40:02 to remove [[underscore]], and to change tabs to sales and case to cause