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Bureau R.F and A. Lands -
Office of 4th Div. 4th Sub Dis.
Madison C.H. Va
February 29 1868. 

Gen O. Brown. 
Asst Comr
Richmond VA

Respectfully forward through Hd Qrs 4th Sub Dist the following Report (in compliance with Cir. No.6. dated Hd. Qrs.Asst.Com. Richmond Va - January 29th 1866.

The condition of affairs in this Div of the 4th Sub Dist is as good as can be expected under the circumstances. though everything appears to be going on smoothly, (as indicated by outward appearances): yet there is a secret hatred existing between the whites and Freedmen. which will take time to obliterate. I have been and still am endeavoring to raise schools in this Div and find that the whites in general are opposed to the Freedmen having an Education. The wages in this part of the County are not sufficient to encourage the Freedmen in industry. There are plenty of able bodied men working for $8,00 to $10,00 per month; which is very small wages to support a family on therefore it is very difficult for them to raise money for school purposes. There are a great many of the Freedmen Renting small pieces of land for the coming season in preference to work at the present rate of wages. On the whole, I think their lot a hard one and were it not for the Bureau the Freedmen would have but few rights that the whites would feel bound to respect.