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Early potatoes and oats and require labour.
Money is scarce in this Division but the price of Labor has not changed.
A great number of Colored people are inclined to idle only working enough to give them something to eat.
There has been one more school opened since my last report at Drummondtown with some fifty pupils at both day and night schools.
The white citizens as a general thing are unfavorable to free schools but as they increase in number the less opposition there is to them.
As to temperance I can only make the same report that I did last month that the Colored people are not inclined to form temperance societies.
There has not been a colored person tried by the Civil Courts during the past month and not one arrested excepting those mentioned in the first part of this report
Very Respectfully
Your obt servt
Geo P Sherwood
1st Lieut 42d US Infty
Asst Sub Asst Commr