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of them may be freed to go with their husbands to such homes as can be procured for them.

No cases of injustice toward freedpeople by the civil authorities of Alexandria Co. have come to my knowledge during the past month.

The state of feeling between the races does not seem to alter any for the worse, an occasional case arises brought about by an intemperate indulgence in strong language, in the investigation of which it frequently occurs that both parties are in the wrong, the colored people frequently think themselves agrieved, by a lack of knowledge of the law, and consider any decision averse to their desires unjust.

The destitution and suffering has not diminished any, the weather continues bad and cold, with but little prospects of the coming of warm weather for a month yet, and as long as the weather remains bad there can be no reduction in the amount of support necessary to protect these people from suffering. 

I am General,
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant,
S. P. Lee
Capt. & Bvt. Lt. Col. U.S. Army.
Sub. Asst. Comr. 10th Sub-Dist. of Va