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Bureau R F & A L Office
A.S.A.C. 2nd. Div, 3d Sub Dist
Ashland, Va. Mch 28th /68

Lieut P.R. Hambrick
S.A.C. 3d Sub. Dist. Va


With regard to the report as to the condition of Bureau affairs in this County during the past month, as required by Circular No 6, &c Jany 27th /66, I have the honor to state that, having been absent, I do not know of any special change either in public sentiment, or in the condition of the freedmen, during the interval.

I have learned of no cases of mal-treatment, or of injustice upon the part of magistrates.  The determination upon the part of the whites, to defeat the new Constitution, seems however to be more settled than ever, and this class is thoroughly organized for the purpose.

There is everything to be done in the way of organizing schools for the freedmen, there being only two small schools in this County.  We want suitable