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further the political aims and ambition of disloyal to it is not definitely known. I am informed that the tobacco manufacturies in Petersburg, Danville, Lynchburg and other places are working their full complement of laborers, yet Richmond remains inoperative, and assigns a reason therefor, that these manufacturies at this time are unprofitable. The hostility being arrayed against the colored man in his exercise of the election franchise can be assigned as a reason for the suffering and dependent condition of the Freedmen of this City; until disloyal receive some blithing check in their desperate efforts to defeat congressional reconstruction, the freedpeople will remain subjects of political persecution, and with the judiciary controlled by ardent rebels. the colored man will continue to suffer from judicial wrong. In this connection I will state that the loyal people of Chesterfield County are sorely oppressed, the entire court with a single exception is composed of men pledged to deprive the freedmen of constitutional liberty which fact, seems well sustained by political evidence. The courts of Henrico County are not so politically corrupt as Chesterfield, which by no means is complimentary to the judiciary of the former County. With reference to the Hustings Court of this