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City I will state that since the appointment of Col. Burnham, Judge of said court less complaints are heard from the freedmen charging this court with arbitrary findings. The examining court of the City over which His Honor the Mayor presides is somewhat given to favoritism, to the injury of the colored man. When a colored witness is under oath and being interrogated and called a liar by an intelligent white man in open court; as can be proven, and such white man allowed to escape without even an admonition from the court how is it possible that justice can reign when courts are controled by such men. A. judicious change in the management and control of the above Office and a revision of the police force are two things much needed to ensure protection to the loyal citizens of this City. These examining courts both city and county having failed to enforce the supremacy of equal and impartial law, thereby setting at naught the protection guaranteed to an american citizen by the constitution ought to be bereft of power, until replaced by men who will administer the laws with uprightness. Both counties above named and city have given little or no attention to the poor people, except, that the latter has donated several