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they may be able to do something for themselves this year.
We are still without a School in the Division, except the Sunday School on Wise Farm which is languishing for want of proper Books and Tracts. The want of Schools is severely felt by the Freedmen of this Division who are anxious to have their Children educated, and willing to do all they can toward that End. which however would be, but little, as they are very poor.

There is not that good feeling existing between the Whites and Freedmen that could be desired. The Whites are disposed to take advantage of the Freedmen when they can and the political Status lately acquired by the Freedmen is a fruitful source of trouble, and embittering the feelings of both parties, The colored people are orderly and quiet and doing (as a class) the best they can to get along. Intemperance is rarely seen  among them, although there is no Temperance organization in the Division.

I am General 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obt Servant
James A. Croft
A.S.A Comr

Thro Hd Qrs 1' Sub Dist of Va

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 14:55:36