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enabled to accomplish so grand a mission. The "state of feeling" towards the freedmen has not improved since my last report-: it is true, that in a general way they are treated well, but it is more because of our presence here, than a genuine feeling of philanthropy. The whites are deeply prejudiced, and they let no opportunity slip that will give them a chance to show their detestation of the race! Also, they are guilty of many petty acts of injustice towards the freedmen: They get their labor, and dole them out a scanty supply of food, charging them the highest prices, and are sure to bring them in debt. The "system" of labor in this country does not come up to my idea of a system. The employer has the same cabins on his farm that he had in the days of slavery, and now occupied by the employees: He gives them from five to eight dollars a month for their labor, sells them bacon, meal &c, at the highest figures, and at the end of the month the freedmen are brought in debt: never seeing any money, or having a cent to purchase any little thing for their families. And so on for the year through - this forcing them into a state of slavery and degredation, and depriving them of many privileges belonging to freemen. I am opposed to the plan or "giving out" supplies by the employer, it smacks of the old system of slavery, and the freedman feels it to be so. I would rather see him have his wages in money at the end of the month - it makes him feel his manhood. I am satisfied that many freedmen have not as much money now, as they had when in slavery - because they are in a state of slavery, more odious than the former. The whites resort to every little artifice to obtain their labor for little or nothing; and then dole out the miserable pittance with a grudging hand! Often times I have had to interpose when all was plain and easy to be settled - when there was a will. I feel that so long as this "system" of labor prevails, our labor "of love" for the poor

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