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freedmen will be materially retarded. I would most respectfully call your attention to the "Code" of 1860, chap. 126; also to the ammendment chap. 126 of the "Code" is the pretesct for inflicting a great wrong upon the freemen. The children are taken up by the overseers of the poor, and bound out as paupers, when in many cases the parents know nothing about it while they are fully able to care for, and support them. Thus reducing the colored children to slavery, and depriving their parents of their assistance, as well as depriving the children of the privilege of home, and  its enjoyments. I would here mention the case of Emeline Warren, whose children (John aged three years, & Alice one year) were taken up by the overseers of the poor in 1857 and bound out until they are twenty one, and eighteen years old respectively; they receive for "the last years of their servitude ten dollars" a year. They are bound to a Thurgar's Lain, whome the mother says, makes slaves of them surely - while she, (who is in need) languishes for the want of their assistance and comfort. Another case within a year, is equally oppressive. Three children were bound out under this same law, without thir natural guardians knowing any thing about the transaction - they being perfectly competent and able to support them. At my instance they have filed a petition, by counsel, to set aside the indentures. 

I would add, that many of the freedmen (male & female)who are indolent & trifling, willingly bind out their children, rather than work properly to support them. I think this bindingout of the children is a grievous wrong - it reduces them to a miserable state of bondage, as well as keeps them in a state of degredation. I would further add, that I am assured by the freedmen in various parts of