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Bureau, Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands.
Hd. Qrs. A.S.A.L.2d Div. 8th Sub.Dist. of Va.
Abingdon Va March 31st 1868

Capt. Will. A. Coulter. U.S.A.
A.A.A.Gnl. Dist. of Virginia
Richmond Va.

I have the honor to submit the followin report of "Bureau affairs in general" in the 2d Div. of the 8th Dist. consisting of the counties of Washington, Russell, Buchanan, Wise, Scott, &, Lee. for the present month

As a general thing the Freedmen are securing either land to work for a share of the crop or places to work for wages & in either case at reasonable rates - there is a general disposition on their part to be industrious. But with all their efforts their lot is a hard one - & with all the aid the government is extending to them there are a great many cases of extreme destitution I have distributed a small amount of clothing among them during the month but have not been able to suply more than one third of the calls which have been made Clothing for women & children is greatly needed in this Division

In addition to the school at Abingdon we have a house ready for occupancy at Saltvill & thirty six schollars allready to enter school if a teacher can be