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their State and Country. They have no well defined ideas of parties or principles of Government. And the franchise they now enjoy is but imperfectly understood or appreciated. What they mean is, the advice of earnest consciencious men who can address them publicly and who without "fear or favor", will point out the path of duty and of safety. Show them their duties to the Country and to those who have labored so earnestly for their advancement.


Owing to the impoverished condition of the white people of this section of Country, there has been great difficulty experienced in the collection of taxes even for the maintaining of county organizations and consequently there has been made no adequate provision for the care of the aged and infirm who are thrown up on public charity for shelter and bread. There are in both of these Counties and especially in Mathews a number of very old and decrepit colored persons whose lives seem to have been lengthened into the shadow of nearly a Century of years, and who are wholly without the means of support. They have been turned out to starve by those who ate the fruit of their labor for more than fourscore years, and the Overseers of the Poor are entirely without funds, provisions or clothing. They have done all in their power to try to provide for them, but the County Court refuses to divert any of the County funds to that purpose, and the result is that they appeal to me for advice and assistance. If the Authorities here were made to provide for these destitute people it would take but a small sum and would greatly relieve the suffering. I think these difficulties, under which the Overseers of the poor now labor, might be obviated, by an order from the Commanding General to the authorities here covering the case.