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Bureau Ref, Freedmen and A. Lands
3d. Division, 7th. Sub. Dist,
Martinsville Va Mch 31st. 1868 -

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner
Richmond Va.


Pursuant to instructions contained in Circular No. 6 - Head Quarters Bureau Ref, Freedmen and A. Lands, State of Va. Series 1866 - I have the honor to report that the condition of the White People and Freedmen, not to be as favorable as it was at the time of last months report; and that the state of feeling existing between them, is growing decidedly unfavorable; - which is mostly caused by political feeling -

I regret exceedingly to report that during the past month several Freedmen have been arrested upon the charge of stealing, both provisions and other things; I have attended the examination trials, and witnessed no injustice toward them.  These unlawfull acts were committed by