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The social and moral condition of freedmen is not what it should be.  The vice, engendered by slavery are too deeply rooted to be easily eradicated and I fear until the community at large realize that the freedman is a citizen and seek to elevate him by example and precept, he will in many respects disappoint his friends.

The relations of freedmen and whites to each other is in an unsatisfactory condition.  The pernicious teachings of the Conservative leaders and press have unbounded effect on ignorant whites who look upon the freedmen with contempt and hate, and do not hesitate to use violence when their leaders use abusive language   Assaults on freedmen during this month have been trifling except attack on Jefferson Dawson (c) by William Hite and Joseph Tremble

The wound caused by a stone, the pistol though drawn not fired.  This case is referred to Mr. Joseph Nelson J.P. for investigation.  The political relations of white and colored to each other are directly antagonistic.  The conservative leaders have through District Superintendents - Chiefs of 50 & Captains of 10, fully