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their action against the colored race in general, their prejudice does not show itself in actions against any particular person, but finds vent in endeavors to excite the population to throw impediments in the way of free action and speech on the part of the freedpeople.  This is done by refusing to employ members of the Union Leagues or the Republican Clubs, and discharging those who prefer to lose their situations, rather than to give up this connection with those friends in whom they have learned to place their sole reliance.  An organization has been formed among these people, known as the "Ku Klux Klan" secret in its meetings, and objects, but which from demonstrations made by the members proves to be intended to excite terror in the minds of the freedpeople and union whites, by a systematic plan of annoyance, calculated, if no security is given the people, to drive them from the state.  no person in favor of the success of the measures of Congress in their endeavors to secure thorough reconstruction in the South is free from their midnight visitations, and no one knows whose turn comes next or where he himself may be disturbed, probably injured, by members of this band, who go disguised to avoid detection, and invariably travel at night.  On the 5th of the 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 17:10:58 added NARA# ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-24 08:44:48 added "to" on line 8