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mutual and the prosperity of the country equally dependent upon cooperation and reciprocal good feeling between them. Most of the ill feeling existing at present is caused by Demagogues, who, for political purposes endeavor to excite the prejudices of the Whites against the Blacks by holding up before them the terrible chimera of Negro Supremacy.

Especial attention has been given during the month to the inspection of the numerous schools in this division which, as will appear from my Bi-Monthly Report, were found in a state of discipline and improvement highly gratifying to myself and all the friends and patrons of these Schools and very complimentary to the School Superintendents and teachers engaged in this most important work.

Various rumors have been afloat to the effect that wholesale discharges of Employees have been determined on, in some parts of the Division, Should they venture to vote adversely to the wishes of their Employers at the coming Election. It is hoped and believed however that these reports, if not entirely unfounded, will prove at least greatly exaggerated, as such a policy could not fail to prove suicidal to the interest of both Employer and Employee.

The Temperance Society, the Freedmens Bank

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 18:29:20 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 21:53:46