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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Hd Qurs 6th Div. 5th Sub Dist Va.
Mathews Co. Va. April 30. 1868.

S.C. Armstrong
Sub. Asst. Comr. 5th Sub Dist. Va.

In compliance with Cir. No. 6. Series, '66 Hd. Qurs. Asst. Comr. Dist. Va. I have the honor to submit the following report on the condition of Bureau affairs in this Division for the month ending April 30, 1868.

Political Matters.
Since my last regular report, political affairs among the freedmen, have assumed a clear and well defined aspect. A decided and uniform disposition, to unite, upon such individuals, as may be selected, as the exponents of the principles and measures originating in, and established by a party which has contributed so much to the advancement of their race. 

Actuated, by a knowledge of their existence as a free people being preserved, only through the continued success of the dominant party of the nation, they have reorganized their forces to the view and purpose of perpetuating its rule, and extending its power, and in an entire acceptation, and a faithful adherence, to such measures of policy, as the directors of its affairs may deem wise, just and prudent, they desire to be understood as evincing their gratitude for the rights and privileges they now enjoy, and proffer a pledge of continued fidelity to those from whom they received these great blessings. 

In their unfaltering devotion to principles, founded in justice to all men irrespective of race, color or creed, and which gives to the lowliest the opportunity, of eventually attaining such positions as are accorded to man in his purest and most enlightened condition, they feel that they are inseparably allied to the great Republican party, not only through the grand achievements of that of its past in which they are indelibly blended, but linked to it as