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L.B. P74

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, 3d Division 11th Sub-District Virginia,
Boydton, VA. April 30th 1868.

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown
Asst Com'r Bureau R F & A L Dist Va
Richmond Va

In accordance with Cir No 6 Series 1866 from Hd Qrs Asst Comr Stat of Va, I have the honor to make the following Report, viz!

The feelings exiting between the Planters and Freedmen in the most of this Division is very far from being good, still their is is a disposition on the part of the Colored men to overlook very many anoying things. The Freedmen are anxious to have schools and since I have two in operation partially supported by them I find the only difficulty in keeping back scholars, as there is to many for either teacher to attend to. Bureau Affairs at present are I believe in a better state in this County than ever before, since the close of the Rebellion, notwithstanding the ill feelings existing between the two races

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Geo W Graham 
ASA Comr
Bu R F and A L