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Head quarter Sub-Dist of Lauderdale Bu. R.F and A.L.
Lauderdale Miss August 26th, 1867.
Respectfully referred to Major Thos H. Norton. U.S.A Sub Asst Commr Sub Dist of Meridian.
This matter pertains to the District of Meridian
Capt V.R.C Sub Asst Comm'r

Endorsement on Communication from Capt James W. Sunderland, who asked to be informed what disposition has been made of Vouchers in favor of H. M. Campbell for Lumber.
Head-quarters Sub Dist of Miss.
Vicksburg Miss Aug 1st, 1867.
Respectfully referred to Bvt Lt. Col L. H. Pierce Disbursing officer, Sub Dist of Miss. to know whether or not this voucher has been paid.
By order of Bvt Maj Gen'l A. C. Gillem
(Sigd)  Ira Quimby
1st Lt 24th U.S. Inft A.A.A. Genl

Headquarters 4th Mil Dist Office Chief Q.M.
Vicksburg, Miss, Aug 5 1867.
Respectfully returned with the information that the voucher within referred to has been rec'd at this office and is held for want of funds to pay same.
(Sig'd)  L. H. Pierce
Bvt L't. Col. Chief Quartermaster.

H'd qrs Sub-Dist of Miss Vicksburg Miss Aug 6, 1867.
Respectfully returned to Capt J. W. Sunderland Sub Asst-Comr Sub Dist of Lauderdale.
Attention invited to endorsement from Bvt Lt Col L. H. Pierce
Disbursing officer of date Aug 5, 1867.
By order of Bvt Maj A. C. Gillem
Sigd  A. W. Preston A.A.A. Genl.


Endorsement on communication from Capt James W. Sunderland, asking for permission to purchase 3000 feet of Lumber for the purpose of making coffins.
Bu R.F. and A.L. Office Asst Comn'r
Vicksburg, Miss Aug 3d, 1867.
Respectfully returned to Capt J. W. Sunderland Lauderdale, Miss, who authorizes to purchase the the lumber, as requested, for the purpose specified.
By order of
Bvt Maj Genl A. C. Gillem
(Sigd)  A. W. Preston
Capt V.R.C Bvt Maj USV A.A.A.G.

Endorsement on communication from Hancock & Hill Atty's of Marion, Miss, relative to the unlawful detention of some freed children as slaves under illegal apprenticing by Robt. White of Neshoba, Co., Miss &c,
Headquarters 4th Mil, Dist. Office Civil Affairs
Vicksburg Miss, Aug. 2d, 1867.
Respectfully referred to Bvt Maj Genl. A. C. Gillem Commanding Sub Dist, Miss and Asst-Comnr
Bu. R.F. and A.L. for investigation
By Command of Bvt Maj Genl E O C Ord.
sig'd   R Baird
Bv't Maj. Genl Asst Insp Genl

Bu. R.F. and A.L. Office Asst Commr
Vicksburg, Miss, Aug 5th 1867.
Respectfully returned to Capt J. W. Sunderland Sub Asst-Comn'r Lauderdale for investigation and report.
By order of Bvt Maj Genl Gillem
Asst Comm'r
(sigd)  A. W. Preston
Capt V.R.C Bvt Maj U.S.V. A.A.A.G.

Transcription Notes:
3/31 - all transcribed - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-31 17:40:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-31 21:02:10 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-01 13:14:05 Abbreviations for Commissioner: Commr or Comm'r Comn'r or Comnr Comr or Com'r All seen throughout these letters. Look at the number of humps that would be an "n" or "m" before the "r".