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War. Department
Bureau Refugees, &c, &,c,
Washington D.C. April 23d 1868,

Respectfully referred to Gen'l A. C, Gillem Asst Commr of Miss.

By order of 
Maj Gen'l O, O, Howard
E Whittlesey
AAA Gen'l.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen &,co 
Office Asst Commr for Miss Vicksburg April 27th 1868.

Respectfully referred to Jno D Moore Sub. Asst Commr Meridian Miss for report & recommendation

By order of Bvt Maj Gen'l. A, C, Gillem
Asst. Commissioner

S, C, Green
Capt 24th Inf Bvt Maj U,S,A
AAA Gen'l

Bureau Refugees Freedman
Office Sub. Asst.
Meridian Miss May 20th 1868,

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Gen'l A C Gillem Asst Commr for the state of Miss with the information than the within named Man Charles Simpson resides in Temple County Ala

John D Moore
Sub Asst Commr


Endorsements on Communication from Andrew Thomas Agent Bu. R.F. & A.L. Meridian Miss, reportes certain Freedman W. Hurd - Jo. Rea - N. Lamar &, W. Johnson employes of M. Riffler, [[Rewaneo?]] Miss. who is trying to defraud them of their wages, Amounting is four hundred and sixty two dollars $462.34.

Hd Qrs Sub. Dist. of Mississippi
Vicksburg Miss Jan'y 28th 1868.

Respectfully referred to the Commanding Officer Post of Jackson Miss who will send Lieut E.T. Wallice 24. Inf'y with four men Kewannee with instructions to investigate and adjudicate this matter and take such action as may be nesessary to cause a payment of any just debts due the partiys

These papers to be returned with report of actions taken

By order of
Bvt. Maj. Gen'l. Gillim
W. Barker 1st Lt. 34th Inf'y
A.A.A. Gen'l

Hd Qrs Post of Jackson
Jackson Miss February 21st 1868

Respectfully returned to the Gen'l. Comdg. Sub. Dist. of Miss with the information that action in the matter has been delayed for reason unknown to the writer who requests to be instructed if necessity still exists for the execution of the Order here in contained.

Lieut Wallice is Military Superintendent of the Mississippi State Prison and if further attention is to be given this subject it is suggested another officer may be substituted to conduct the investigation

Thomas St Norton
Capt & Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
Commanding Port