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Hd Qrs Sub. Dist. Mississippi
Vicksburg. Miss, March 25th 1868,

Respectfully returned to Comdg Officer Post of Jackson Miss. with authority granted to give such time, or take such other measures as in his judgement are necessary to secure there [their] wages to the laborer, only exercising proper care that the debor [[debtor]] dose [[does]] not abscond, & take the customary advantage of leniency in devising some means to cheat his creditors out of there [their] dues.

By order of 
Bvt Maj. Gen'l A. C. Gillem
Merritt Barber
1st Lieut 34th Infy AAA Genl

Post of Jackson
Jackson Miss March 21st 1868,

Respectfully returned to the General Commanding Sub. Dist. Miss, (though Hd Qrs Post of Jackson) with the information that in obedience to instructions in enclosed endorsement-. I proceeded to Kewanee Lauderdale County Miss, and made carefull examination into the pecuniary conditions of Noah Riffle and from thence to Marrion [[Meridian]] the County seat of Said County, where I searched the Records; The results of which are is followes, Noah Riffle of the firm of Noah. Riffle & Co possess valuabel [[valuable]] propertey in Kewanee rated by Competent Authority at $20,000 there is recorded against said firm judgemts to the amount of $462,34. Subsequently I made an arrangement with Noah Riffle. Wherein J. Riffle President of the Selma R.R. and junior member of the aforesaid promised to pay, at the end of March, the amount of freedman's Claim herein Contained to whatever officer the Gov't Comd'g Might designate

Charles A Wikoff
Capt 24th Inf. Bvt Maj U.S.A


Hd Qrs Post of Jackson
Jackson Miss March 23d 1868,

Respectfully returned to Comd'g Gener'l Sub. Dist. Dist of Miss. Attention invited to report of Bvt Maj. C. A Wikoff U.S.A the officer selected to Conduct the within investigation and recommendation that Mr. Riffle be allowed the time asked for in which to make payment to the freedman

Thomas H. Norton
Capt & Bvt Maj U.S.A
Commanding Post

Hd Qrs Sub Post of Jeckson
Jackson Miss March 26th 1868.

Respectfully referred to Lieut J. D Moore Sub Dist of Lauderdale Miss with the information that J Riffle President of Selma R.R. and junior member of the firm of Noah. Riffle & Co has been ordered to make payment of the within Claim to the Sub Commissioner at Lauderdale on or before the 1st day of April 1868,

Thomas H Norton
Capt & Bvt Maj U.S.A
Comdg Post

Office Sub Asst Comnr
Bureau Refugees Freedman &.c.
Meridian iss June 22d 1868,

Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj Gen'l Alvin [[Alvan]] C Gillem U.S.A Asst. Comnr for the State of Miss - In Compliance with instructions contained in endorsement Dated Hd Qrs Post of Jackson March 26th 1868, - I have finally effected a satisfactory settlement and payment of the claim herein Mentioned

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