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De Kalb Miss Oct 26th 1866 Capt H. E. Ranials Dear Sir I [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of 23. and the blanks & stamps. Since I wrote last my school house has been broken into and some books stolen out, but fortunately the books were of little value, only spelling books I had some account books that would have been of great loss. The persons that did the mischief were some emigrants who were going to Texas and stopped the over night near the school house but I suppose that they had been told by some one in town of the school. Several outrages have been committed lately by bands of these emigrants principally on Freedmen who are living to themselves The Sheriff of the County when complaint was made to him merely said "They do not molest me I have nothing to do with it" Several persons told members of my family that if my schoolhouse had been burned I could not have helped myself that the Sheriff hated the "free negroes" so he would have done nothing I should like very much to have the pleasure of a visit from your Assistant There are many things that I would like to know that I cannot write and no one could give a true statement concerning the existing state of affairs only those who have seen and heard for themselves If I do not receive those blanks by Sunday I am
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