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Office Depot Quartermaster, U.S.A.,
Vicksburg Miss August 7th, 1867.
The Mobile & Ohio RR and connecting lines, will, without delay, furnish transportation for the public property specified below, from Meridian Miss to Lauderdale Miss the freight to be paid by Disbursing Quartermaster, U.S.A., at V. Burg Miss, at Contract rates.
Ira Quimby
1st Lt 24th Infty 
A.A. Quartermaster, U.S.A.

[[stamp]] Payable by Freedmen's Bureau [[/stamp]]

Bill of Lading
V. Burg Miss Aug 7th, 1867.
   Received from Lt Ira Quimby  A.A.Q.M., United States Army, the following articles of public property, as specified below, (contents and value unknown,) in apparent good order, to be forwarded to Lauderdale Miss by the Mobile & Ohio RR and connecting lines, there to be delivered in like good order and condition, unto Lt Clifford A.A.Q.M. Freight to  be paid by the proper Officer of the United States, at Contract rates, and on the original Bill of Lading only.
E V Early Agt

[[5 columned table]]
| Marks. | Nos. | Packages, &c. | Contents. | Pd. Weight. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Capt J.W. | 1 | Box | Q.M. Stores | 300 |
| Sunderland | 5 | Kegs | Nails | 500 |
| Lauderdale Miss | 1 | Kegs | Mule Shoes | 100 |
|    | 1 | B.S. | Bellows |    |
|   | 1 | Bdle (6 spades, 6 | Shovels, and 6 axe handles) |   |
|    | 2 | Rolls | Leather | 100 |

This latter named article omitted on this Bill of Lading but included on the Original consigned to me per Southern RR from Lieut Quimby AAQM
Thos Nye
1st Lieut 24th Infty
and A.A.Q.M.
Meridian Miss.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-02 20:20:03