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Such sentiments, have long since become obsolete in Loudoun and other counties where I have had an opportunity of informing myself.
I find that, there has been but three schools established, in this County of my Division, by the officers who have preceeded me; and until recently there has been but one, and that I find in any thing but a well ordered and flourishing condition.

I believe if schools had been more generally established, and taught by teachers, better calculated for their positions and not continually dabbling with politics, these antiquated slavery ized ideas, which the people here so generally entertain, concerning the moral and mental capacity of the colored race, would have been uprooted and carried away by the mighty current of progress.

When these people - the whites - are forced to believe, - as they can be by a practical demonstration, - that, the colored race is susceptible, as other races of the human family are, of culture and improvement, they must and will begin to recognize that the colored race is entitled to the rights and immunities of the other races of mankind

Then, and not until then, will such rights be recognized   

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-25 14:33:07 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-25 15:33:29