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Bureau R. F & A. Lands,
4th Div. 1st Sub. Dist. Va. 
Jerusalem, June 30th 1868. 

Bvt. Brig. Genl O. Brown, 
& Asst. Comr. 

I have the honor (in accordance with Cir. No 6, series 1866) to report that the condition of "Bureau Affairs" is not as satisfactory as I could hope for. Owing to the failure of the crops in this County last year, especially the corn crop - that article is now very scarce and is bringing prices, now beyond the reach of the poor-: and yet some are holding back for still higher prices, so that much suffering must ensue. The trustees of the Almshouse have concluded to afford no relief to the poor, unless he or she becomes an inmate of said Institution: And many must suffer rather than go there. The freedmen bear with patience this gloomy prospect - and generally work for their daily bread - but many of the infirm are now in want of the necessaries of life. It is true our work is steadily pushed on, but we have constantly to encounter the unjust prejudices of the whites - and loyalty is