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State of Virginia
Hanover County to wit:
An inquisition taken at the dwelling house of Geo. W. Doswell in the County of Hanover on the 10th day of August 1868. before Thos. L Jones a Justice of the peace asking as a Coroner of the said County upon the view of the body of John Lewis there lying dead - 
The Jurors sworn to inquire when, how and by what means the said John Lewis came to his death, upon their oaths to say: That the said John Lewis came to his death by a blow inflicted with a hoe in the hands of Robert Doswell on the 10th day of August 1868. Without malace and with no intention to kill.

In testimony whereof the said Coroner and Jurors hereto set their hands. 

Thos. L. Jones J.P. Coroner
John L. Woodson Foreman
Saml. R. Nuckols
John W. Bowles
W.R. July
F. Babney
A.B. Nuckols
J.A. Nuckols
M.R. Woodson
M.A. Waldrop
J.H. Duggins
A.B. Nuckols
H.D. Nuckols

A Copy - Teste 
R.O. Doswell C.H.G