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Miss Rachel Dennis their Teacher is expected to arrive at an early day, when she will commence at once her labors. Two Schools were in operation, at that place during the past winter and spring in charge of colored Teachers, which we aided all in our power, assisted by friends in Philadelphia; but their labors, although accomplishing a great deal of good, did not fix the interest there on a firm basis. We are now hopeful of securing, what we have long desired, a first class Freedmen School in Salem.

At Christiansburg we have in prospect the return of our former Teachers on the last of September, to commence the Fall Session, October 1st. A freedmen Association has been organized at Ogdensburg, N.Y., who have kindly taken the matter in charge, and have pledged themselves to support and sustain the former Teachers at this place. 

The Newbern, Pulaski Co. School is in a healthful condition, and the educational interests of the freedmen properly attended to. 

The county Schools in charge of colored Teachers, are doing a good work, and receive all the encouragement and assistance we can give them. Some do not continue long in operation owing to the lack of qualification in their Teachers, and from other causes. One object however is accomplished, it gives their Pupils a taste for study, and an earnest craving to improve their minds by every means in their power.

Morally, I can see a decided improvement among large numbers of the freed-people, who now, are not willing to associate, as formerly, with those who have no respect for themselves or race. They are ready to do them a kindness, and to persuade them to do right, but will not regard them as Associates, unless they reform.

Religiously, very many of them during the past month, have embraced the doctrines of the cross, and are now consistent orderly Christians. This work goes on from month to month.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-27 13:01:57