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of the bad engendered thereby, I have urged  upon all occasions the importance of having the "School Master" abroad in our County, and I am happy to find with good effect as one new school is already open and several others in contemplation. The officers of the County I find, without an exception, seem disposed to mete justice to all alike without distinction of color.

The colored people are busily engaged in securing their corn crops which is said to be a very good yield. and if I can induce them to be economical I think there will be a sufficiency to bread them during the winter  I do not apprehend that there will be many destitute persons in the county.  There are a great many cases referred to me in which colored persons are parties resulting from the divisions of their crops.  I have succeeded generally in having them satisfactorily adjusted, without litigation, which I have always thought the better way when it could be done without prejudice to the parties.

I notice a marked improvement among the colored people  they seem very anxious for schools and are in need of at least three in the county.  school meetings are well attended by both white and colored and a better feeling prevails amongst all classes -

Respectfully Submitted
C.G. McClelland
Asst Sub Asst Comr