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Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Hd Qrs 3d Division 5th Sub-Dist. Va.
Matthews Ct. Ho. Va Sept. 30th 1868.

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Com. Dist. of Va.

In compliance with Cir No 6. Series of 1866, Head Qurs Asst. Comr. Richmond Va. I have the honor to submit the following report on the condition of Bureau affairs in this Division for the month ending September 30th 1868.

With us nothing has occurred, to disturb the general tranquility, Some few farms have been leased by owners to parties from abroad, mostly from the eastern Shore of Maryland, as these parties have not divested themselves of old prejudices. The freedman has but little cause to exult at the change, since it brings neither pecuniary advantages or a more liberal and tolerant neighbor, especially those of the freedpeople who are occupying "old quarters" under sufferance, as they are most liable to be pushed off by tenants under lease and who will require these old quarters for the laborer they may select or bring along with them. This possibility has created some feeling among the freed people thus situated. However as no such removal has yet occurred it may be considered premature to speak of it and is only mentioned now as a matter likely to produce disagreeable results if carried out as feared.

Crops are maturing and give promise of a fair yeild. The industrious and prudent portion of the freed people will realize a fair reward for their labor, while the idle and improvident among them must necessarily be exposed to hunger and nakedness and the meagre assistance possibly afforded by a