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Bureau. R. F & A. L
Office of 3rd Div 9th Sub Dist Va
Woodstock Sept 30th 1868

Brig Genl O Brown 
Asst Comr

Genl  I have the honor to Report the affairs of the Bureau in this Division, in a quiet and prosperous condition,  The Freedmen are all employed and doing well, There is but little complaint about their getting paid for their services, I am happy to state there is not much Intemperance among them. They are organizing Sabbath Schools throughout this Sub District. There are now Six Sabbath Schools in operation and well attended. There are no day or night Schools at present, but will start several during the month of October.

There is now no vindictive or the feeling manifested by the white population towards the Freedmen that I can discover,  Indeed many citizens who were Regarded as enemies to the Freedmen now take an interest in their welfare, and countenance