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from what they formerly spent in intoxicating drink, gambling and other vices. Their families are also better clad, and their circumstances improved every way. Your officer feels hopeful for the future. What they want is encouragement, good counsel, and to feel satisfied that there are those who feel a special interest in their welfare, and the development of the higher and nobler principles of their nature. 
It is not however all encouraging and bright, as we have among the masses, many cases which cause considerable trouble, principally among the more ignorant and debased. Still the better influences are being gradually diffused among them, which will prove beneficial in the future. Cases of difficulty between themselves, and between them and the whites have been satisfactorily adjusted, and good wholesome lessons given to all. There has been no improvement among what is termed," the poor white trash": If they could be reached by education and other kindred influences, I have not the least doubt, but what it would redound to the best interests of the county.
Other matters pertaining to the Bureau have received my attention, but absence for a number of days, from my Divisions, temporarily in charge of the Sub District, prevented my visiting all the counties under my charge - although I am in full communication at all times, with every section of my Divisions.
I am Captain, Very Respectfully
Your Ob't Servant.
B.S. Schaeffer
Asst. Sub Asst Comis.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-29 14:41:13