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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head-Quarters Sixth Division, Seventh Sub-District of Virginia,
Appomattox C.H., Va., Nov. 1st 1868

Gen O. Brown
Asst Comm Richmond Va.
(Thro' RS Lacey SA Commr 7th Sub Dist)

In compliance with Circular no 6 Series of 1866 Asst Commr of Va. I have the honor to report that the condition of Bureau affairs remains unchanged. Though in general poorly clad the freedmen are not suffering for food. The state of feeling existing between the blacks and whites is as heretofore, the public sentiment being generally opposed to the political advancement of the freedmen though no open ruptures have occurred. 

The freedmen are remarkably temperate not a single case of intemperance on the hart of one of them having come to my notice

I am Sir
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant 
Lieut 12 Infantry USA
ASA Commissioner