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needy, and deserving ones, in order to be able to provide extreme cases, where immediate help was necessary and essential. 

I am, obliged to modify the opinion expressed in my last report regarding Intemperance. A more extended observation has resulted in discoveries that, a mere superficial man would fail to make. It cannot be denied that liquor is used to a considerable extent by the freedpeople of both sexes, but for the fact that so much is disposed of in a clandestine manner, the show of actual inebriation is much avoided. In this respect, if no other have the colored people advantage over the whites, as it seems the latter take special pleasure to make themselves as obnoxious as possible while under the influence of liquor. 

The progress made up to this time in opening the schools in this Division is not very gratifying. The colored people in some locations are doing all in their power toward the futherance of this object, but their limited means prevents their doing very much. - Efforts are being made to open schools in Greenville & Westview, but the extreme difficulty in procuring rooms for the purpose, has presented their suc-