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The state of feeling between races is fair, in this Sub-District, the union element is so strong, that they have a feeling of security, and are consequently not as much annoyed by their opponents as they are in some other sections, this feeling is assisted greatly by the presence of offices of the Bureau, assisting them in the pursuits of remedies where they are assailed either in person or privileges, whether the feeling of security would be as great without the protection of the Bureau, I am not prepared to say, but I am of the opinion that it would not. 

The people in the rural districts are generally prepared for the winter, but in the towns of Alexandria, there are many who live from hand to mouths all the year round, who have no opportunity to make any provision for the approach of winter, and there will be many who will need assistance to enable them to live through the winter, the corporation will start the soup houses soon as the weather gets cold, and I think it would be advisable to assist them in the same way as was done last year, by furnishing them with fuel and Beef, they furnishing the vegetables and labor. I have had quite a number of applications from the destitute already, which I have been forced to refuse, the city will provide for the destitute to a certain extent, but will