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of the poorest material, and some are badly torn and filled with holes.

Some of the prisoners also complained that they did not receive a sufficient amount of food. Others stated that they had enough.

I have deemed it my duty to make a report in full of these facts. The Sheriff admitted in effect, a bad condition of things; but stated that he had not visited the building for a long time and was not therefore aware of their existence. He did not however give me any sufficient ground to believe that he would correct the evils, or, where not in his own power to do so, use his Official influence with the County Court to have them corrected. I hope that I am mistaken in this impression.  The evils referred to should be corrected immediately.

During the month there have been three commitments in default of Bail, viz; -
Polly Ann Harris (col'd) charged with Petit Larceny
George Williams (col'd) charged with Petit Larceny
Robt F Rice (white) charged with Felony.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-30 14:32:24