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exhaustion -
In Winchester, every effort to obtain a building for School purposes, has thus far failed, and with the exception of one at the Methodist Church (which is wholly inadequate for the demands of the City) no schools have yet been opened, although a teacher is in waiting here-  
It is gratifying however to report that the new school Presbyterians are taking steps towards the erection of a suitable building, to be devoted exclusively to school purposes in this City, and with ample accommodations to meet every want
The recent order of the Major General Commissioner directing the operations of the Bureau to cease on Dec. 31st as made public through the press, seems to be a cause of rejoicing among that class, who are opposed to the education of the Freedmen, who generally take advantage of his ignorance, and who gladly look for a return of those times when no Bureau officer will stand between defrauded and injured colored men and themselves- There will commence a system of labor which scarcely beyond a doubt will consign the Freedmen to a degree of poverty