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the high social position of its most influencial devotees. 
Efforts to check and suppress the evil by forming temperence societies among the Freedmen meets with favor and promises much benefit to them. 

School interest has received a large share of attention during the month. The School at Lunenburg Court House is flourishing and increasing in numbers and interest. Its benefits are clearly apparent in the deportment of its patrons so much so as to receive faverable comments of those heretofore opposing. The work of repairing and enlarging the School House is being finished with all possible dispatch so as to accomodate the large number of applicants. A teacher has been procured and a school opened at Mehurin Depot with the prospect of good success. Efforts are being made to procure a house and open a School at Nottoway Court House where one is much needed.

Owing to a division among the Freedmen at Burkeville the School there has been of but little benefit to them. A majority of the patrons

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-31 12:35:05