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Bureau R.F. and A. Lands
Head Qurs. 3rd Div. 5th Sub. Dist. Va.
Mathews Ct. Ho. Va. Dec. 28. 1868.

Bvt Brig Genl O. Brown
Asst Comr. State of Virginia


In compliance with Cir. No. 6. Series 1866, Head Qurs. Asst Comr. Richmond Va. I have the honor to submit the following report on the Condition Bureau Affairs in this Division, for the month ending December 31. 1868.

The same Condition of Affairs exist as were manifested at the time of and previous to my last regular report.

Politically- In consequence of the success achieved by the Republican party in its recent campaign, quite a number who were shackeled to the Juggernaut of "Conservatism" have slipped the gyves that bound them, and toppled over to the ranks of those upon whose banners are inscribed "Peace" and national progress, The success amalgamated with the hope of an immediate discontinuance of the "Stay Law" operates as in all conversions to a new faith or dogma, and its result will be witnessed in accession of numbers, who are now desirous of sharing the fortunes of a party upon whose success they have pinned their faith in the approaching campaign in this State, and here it may be unhesitatingly asserted, that among the commoners of Virginia there is no more popular idea extant, than that of discontinuing the "Stay Law" though it may work a round of ruin in a few cases, it will work advantageously to that class whom we look to for the purpose of augmenting our strength, as they see in its abrogation the lordly plantation of a thousand acres circumscribed to the boundaries of an hundred, Having nothing

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