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15 Vol 2. 1868

Bureau RF & AL office 1st Div 11th Sub Dist V'a
Marysville V'a Dec'r 31st 1868

Bv't Bri'g Gen'l. O. Brown
Assistant Commissioner District of Virginia
Richmond V'a

In compliance with Ci'r No 6. Series 1866. from H'd Q'rs Ass't Com'r Dist of Virginia. I have the honor to make the following report on the Condition of Bureau affairs in this Di'v Comprising the Counties of Prince Edward and Charlotte. The Condition of the Colored people in this Division is materially changed Since my last report, owing to Settlements now being made for the present year, Numbers of Colored Men who one month ago thought they would have enough to put them through the winter find out now after a final Settlement that they were mistaken, and in Several instances find themselves in debt to their emploiers. Any of them owing money and having Some little effects that would bring a few dollars are Sold out without mercy. and no attention whatever paid to law or Humanity. I stopped three Sales the present month on the grounds that the Statute of the State was not complied with, but I am informed that as soon as I leave here they will go on with the Sales,  The general Condition of the colored people at present, in this Di'v. is very discouraging. and I see no immediate prospects

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