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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Off. A.S.A.C. 1s & 3d Divs 4th S.D. Va
Gordonsville Dec. 31s 1868.

I have the honor to report in compliance with Cir. No. 6, Head Quarters Asst. Comr of Va upon the condition of Freedmen's affairs, the state of feeling between white and blacks &c. As the Bureau is about to be partially discontinued, and this is the last report I shall be called upon to make as one of its officers, I deem it proper to note briefly some of the results of its establishment that appear within the limited extent of my jurisdiction, at this, the end of three years of my employment in its service. I desire to do this especially, as in looking at the present condition of the freedmen and their relations with the whites, so much of imperfection and evil is seen, so much to improve and reform is presented, so great the work yet to be done and so long the time yet to wait is felt to be, that one is apt to lose sight of the beginning, and thus fail to appreciate what has already been accomplished in the great and arduous undertaking of converting slaves into useful citizens, and slaveholders into respecters of the rights of their fellow men. It is only by recurring to the condition in which I found this section of Va in 1865 and by comparing the features that were then prominent with those of the present time, that the true results of the work of the Bureau appear. To do this I will confine myself to a few points, first with respect to the blacks, and then with respect to the slaveholding whites; for the effect of the Bureau work is not less 

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