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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Bagwell Thomas. H.|204.|
|Bain Geo. M.|.89.169.219.|
|Bain Robert. M.|O.125|
|Bailey S.P.|Q.56|
|Baker R.H.||
|Bancroft T.J. "M.D."|133.|
|Bank of Virginia|337|
|Barnes Stuart Capt & AQM||
|Barnes Surg General|R.37|
|Barnes Geo. A. Priv 2d Pa. Vet Arty|N.320|
|Bartlett E.N.|226.276.|
|Bartlett William|15.58.67.H.89.221|
|Bartlett Jonas|190.293.|
|Barney T.G. Leiut &c|241.268|
|Bartley William|281.339.|
|Bascomb Wm.T. Genl Agent &c|100.|
|Bates James. A. Capt & A.A.A.G.|{|
|Baxter Dr. O.T.|Q.239.263|
|Beecher Thomas.K.|271.|
|Benton Miss E.L.|257.318.|
|Benford - (widow)|E.69|
|Bergfels W.H. Asst Supt|58.|
|Bibb T.P.A.|85.157|
|[[Binglers?]] Mr -|O.97|
|Birdsall S.H. Asst Supt|74.|
|Bird Margaret. A. (Col'd)|K.32.|
|Blackburn and Haldeman|40.224.269.|
|Blackwell Elizabeth.P.|G.29.|
|Blackwell Mrs Emma|335.|
|Blackstone Mrs -|W.82.|
|Blackstone John.J.|N.159.|
|Blackstone James W|271|
|Black James|264.M.319|
|Bland Schuyler|U.40.|
|Blankenship Vincent|X.299.|
|Blunts Eliza|V.20|
|Blunt A.P. Capt & A.Q.M.|M.52.S.99|
|Bohonon D.W. Capt & Supt|S.57.2/61.2/110.J.189-203.206.247.T.330|
|Bolling Mrs Anne T.|218.319-|
|Bolling Matilda Col'd|X.83-|
|Bolling Mrs Peyton|325-|
|Booker Geo|F.29-W-59-C.216.O.238.|
|Boreman A.J. Gov W.Va.|J.93-|
|Borger GH Capt & Asst Supt|A-107|