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[[2 columned table]]
| --- | --- |
| Baswell Charles | I.313 |
| Bowden Henry. M. | 171. |
| Boykin Robert.V. | 115. 174. |
| Bradford Edmund | 22. |
| Bradby Jetty | W.42.|
| Bradby Burrell | W.42. |
| Breckenridge Carey | J.93. G.225 |
| Brewer John.M. | 341. |
| Bridges Lucinda | L.74. |
| Binckley John.M. | 101. 197. |
| Brown O. Col & Asst Com'r | 3. 11. 25. R.38. 41. 47. L52. F70. 87. 94. 105. 149. 162. 181. 182. 202. 252. 260. 278. 3 284. 296. 297. 299. 303. 314. 316. 319. 2 321. 326. 345. |
| Brown William, Chairman &c. | 129 |
| Brown Samuel | 213. |
| Brown Robert. C. | 232. |
| Brown J.M. Capt & A.Q.M. | E.256. 380. |
| Brodowskie. T. | 93. 98. 126. 128.|
| Brokaw W.B. Capt 96. N.Y.8. &c | F.223. |
| Brower D.R. A.A.Surg | 242. 261. G.262. 272. 300. 322.|
| *Buchanan H.W. | 339. |
| Burton David W. | 153. |
| Burroughs J.J. C.C. | W.137. 29 |
| Butler B.T. Maj Genl | F.29. N.35. N.53. |
| Brush Edmund | 57. |
| Cadwallader G.B. Capt & AQM | H.50. |
| Callan C.C. Atty | 13. |
| Caliver Walter. C. | O.75 |
| Carter Buel. C. Capt AQM & Supt | 168. 216. 220. 245. 257. 310. 322. |
| Carney G.R. A.A.Surg | 242. |
| Carter William | W.296. J.315. |
| Carter Charles | W.296. |
| Carter L.H. | X.299. |
| Chandler L.H. Dist Atty | 1. |
| Chamberlain George | 84. 204 |
| Chahoon George|2 | 87. |
| Chase Hon S.P. | 36. |
| Chase C. Thurston | 2 292. |
| Chilton Charles. P. | 29. J.32. 57. |
| Childrey B.F. | 34. 127. |
| Chief of Police. Maj J.H. Croft | A.45. C.147. 223. |
| Churchill. R. Asst Supt | 9. L218. P.238 |
| Clark A.E. Capt & C.S. | 5. 30. 77. |
| Clayton R.P. Asst Supt | 32. T.133 |
| Clayborne George (Col'd) | W.241. H.268. |
| Clapton Mrs M.G. | 303. 325. |
| Coats Hannah | 181. |
| Coan William L. | J.188. |
| Cobell N.T. | 273. |
| Cocke Miss A.T. |31. 70. B.304 |
| Cocke Charles. E. | H.31. |
| Cochrane W.H.D. Capt a.q.m. | O.323. |
| Coleman N agent &c | 9. 19. 39. 67. |
| Coleman Henry cold | Q.37 |
| Cole G.W. & others | 177. |
| Conway Margaret. E. | 52. |
| Cone Betsey Ann col'd | 3. 44. |
| Congregation of &c | 155. 199. |
| Cook G.W. atty &c | 39. 278. 303. 317. |
| Cook Stafford. G. | B.86. |
| Cook Peter col'd | T.241. |
| Cook Robert | 335. |
| Cook J.K. | 338. |
| Corson E.M. | 306. |
| Coughlin John | H.89 |
| Cowley Stephen | 329. |
| Cox Stephen. D. | T.57 |
| Coxe Leonard | F.70 |
| Crandon T.T.P. Capt AQM & Supt | 103. 110. 148.1 93. 301. |
| Cray William. R. | 211. |
| Craven J.J. Surg U.S.V. | 304. |


Transcription Notes:
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