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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Garland A.B.|72.|
|Gary I.H.|A.85.307.|
|Garnett Thomas. S.|281.|
|Gay James. L.|72.96.|
|Gibson Jackson col'd|E.306.|
|Gibson Julius d.|E.306|
|Giddings Joh. T.|333.|
|Gilliam T.F.|13.132.240.|
|Gilispie William. A. .M.D.|165.273.|
|Gilmer J.H.|247.288.|
|Glassett and Sexton|K.94.|
|Gloucester James. N.|55.118.|
|Godwin D.J.|91.|
|Graves W.A.|124.O.159.224.|
|Graham John. L.|F.184.|
|Gray William. F. [[Eenig'n?]] aj't &c|249.|
|Gregory John. M.|4.|
|Gregory William. A.|109.341.|
|Gregory Silas S. Adins|139.327.|
|Gregory William. N.|X.139.|
|Green Marygold col'd|109.O.285|
|Green John. A.|148.|
|Green James col'd|N.74|
|Green Charlotte col'd|N.74|
|Green Caroline col'd|N.74|
|Green Charles. G. a.a.Surg|228.|
|Green W.E.|311.|
|Grice Geo|V.169.E.219|
|Grigby A.B.|203.|
|Griswold C.G. atty|218.|
|Griswold W.H. col|J.92.J.93|
|Grilick Francis|18.|
|Grey Thomas|333|
|Gwathmey Scott|96.105.|
|Gwathmey Charles|N.35.D.68|
|Gwynne Walter|C.27.305.|

Transcription Notes:
"d." after "Gibson Julius" could indicate ditto, in which case replace with "col'd". ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 21:13:19