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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Interior Dept of|284.|

[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Jackson Thos. P. Asst Supt|{19.20.21.X.21.34.62.Q.99.L.|
|Jackson Sally cold|E.149.|
|James Wm. L. Col & Chf Qr Mr &c||
|James Mrs Jane F|M.11.J.31-|
|James William|139.|
|Jarvis Geo. T.|A.1|
|Jeffries Edward|F.24.|
|Jervis Mrs Clark|222.254.|
|Johnston Chal. E. Asst Supt|{K.7.U.19.21.A.26.N.53.80.G.89.134.U.134.134.J188.243.245.286.|
|Johnston James. H.|49.143.|
|Johnson J.B. M.D.|138.T.18|
|Johnson Benjamin|143.|
|Johnson James Maj & Supt|X.|
|Johnson J.F.|345.|
|Jones Sam|28.|
|Jones Leonora. S.|65.|
|Jones Francis M.|103.217.|
|Jones Wm. S.|162.209.|
|Jones Mrs E.A.|210.|
|Jones Phil Col'd|C.86.|
|Jones F.D. M.D.|222.|
|Jones D.P.|332.333|
|Jorgenson Joe a.a.Surg|G.3|
|Joyce M.J. Priv 188th Pa Vold|17.|
|Joynes John. R.|188.|

Transcription Notes:
Use actual checkmark instead of [[checkmark]] √